Friday, September 12, 2014

Still busy learning to be my own publisher.

 This has been a busy couple of weeks. I am trying to fit in the same amount of reading I did prior to publishing my first book. With the editing of my books, thank you everyone who is helping with this, and trying to figure out the different social media avenues, I am getting less sleep than normal. So here i am, trying to get a web page set up that will allow me to create a page for each book. I want to set the first chapters up so my readers can access the information from one place.

Another time eating process has been getting myself set up on LinkedIn. A very different environment from Facebook, which I am comfortable with. Twitter still confuses me. My brain is not processing that one. I will keep plugging at it and see if it finally registers for me. LinkedIn is a great place for me to connect with other Authors and learn about my writing and the process of publishing and getting my books out to the readers.

I also figured out how to create an email signature for my accounts. I've copied it and placed it at the bottom of this post. It was a simple thing to do once I figured out to go to my email settings to get to the spot for placing a signature on my messages. In a few short sentences I managed to get the information out for my contacts to be able to find my Author identity. They can click on the links and go visit my pages at their own leisure. I send email out for a verity of reasons and thought this was a great idea when I read about it.

What all of this activity is geared towards is building my brand. From everything I have found it is what will help to get potential readers to look at my books. Yes, I also recognize that it falls into the category of marketing my books, too. I am mindful of not pushing my books on my friends and family. however I also recognize that there is a growing interest in the process of self-publishing. This is why I am passing along what I learn as I get comfortable with the process.

Thank you all,


I am Author and publisher of the contemporary western series, NM Ranch Friends and Relations.  Pen name of CJ Hunnel. Visit my Author web page Find me on FacebookTwitter, or LinkedIn.  Sample or purchase my eBooks at Smashwords

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